Welcome New Board Member, Stacey McCarthy

April 30,2024

I would first like to thank Team PHenomenal Hope for inviting me to join them on this amazing journey! It is truly a pleasure and I look forward to seeing the future of PH because of this organization.

I was diagnosed on March 26, 2009 when I was just 37 years old. I was a single mom of a teenage boy and the sole provider. I had been a waitress, working six days a week, and actually loved what I was doing and I was making decent money. Within two short months, I went from walking miles a day at my job to barely being able to roll over in bed without gasping for air. My assumption was asthma, but I realized I needed to get to the hospital. After just one chest X-ray they determined from the size of my heart that I was in heart failure. 24 hours later I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension.

Like many patients, I was sent home with a bottle of pills and a diagnosis; that was it. I took my medication, but figured if I didn’t talk about it or tell anyone, then maybe I just wouldn’t be sick. I have changed around my medications a few times with my doctor, and have found a fairly stable place on Opsumit and Adempas, but I know I need more. My heart is still enlarged and may always be.

I met and made friends with a gal in my area that also had PH. Julie was helpful, kind, full of knowledge, and led a support group. I realized there were many of us in San Diego, and that got me intrigued. When my friend Julie moved to Arizona I knew in my heart that I needed to step in and do everything she had done for me and for everyone else in our group.

In the past two years I have developed a great group of about 35 patients and to the side of that a smaller group of just ladies that I refer to as my “Heart Sisters.” We look in on each other and have lunch once a month. We help to share information with each other, and it was here that someone mentioned Team PH. I loved everything about what I saw on their website. Especially the commitment and passion to this cause. I decided to add Team PH as a fundraiser on Facebook for my birthday. It was through those donations that I was put in touch with Carl Hicks and Maggie Jervey.

Carl and I shared stories, and here we are! This September 7, I will hold my 5th Annual Ride With Heart motorcycle ride fundraiser. It is always a lot of fun and a great way to inform people about Team PH. I’m excited to see the response from everyone at Ride With Heart this year. Bikers love to help!

Cheers to the future!

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